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Navarakkizhi is an ayurvedic herbal decoction for body care. Navarakkizhi treatment involves the fomentation of the body with a bolus of cooked rice. Navara is a rice variety known for its medicinal properties and it is cooked in milk, to form an herbal decoction using Kurumthotti. For making the kizhi, four boluses are made of the cooked rice and are tied up in linen bags. The movement of the hands during both fomentation and massage should always be downwards. This therapy is done in seven standard positions.

Lepana is the external application of medicated paste on any part of the body where pain associated with inflammatory condition persists. The ingredients of the paste vary according to the nature of the ailment. It is a treatment method in traditional Ayurveda.

Karnapoorana is a treatment in Ayurveda for ear care. Karnapoorana is a traditional treatment for ear ailments and the word literally means filling the ears. The ear lobes are gently massaged with oil and usually lukewarm, purified medicated oil is gently poured into one ear.

Dhanyamladhara - streaming of medicinal liquid in Ayurveda. Dhanyamladhara which literally means a ‘dhara’ or pouring of a medicinal liquid called Dhanyamlam over the patient’s body. This herbal liquid is made of cereals with highly nutritious starch content like Navara rice or millet. This treatment is given to the diseases caused by the derangement of vata humour are treated with dhanyamla.

Netravasti or Akshitarpana is a traditional treatment for eyes in Ayurveda. This treatment is effective for glaucoma, night blindness and other eye related problems. Ayurveda, the ancient medical wisdom is one of the proud contributions of India to the world.

Abhyanga Snana or medicated oil massage belongs to the Purvakarma or the preparatory measures for Panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda. It is an ancient oleation therapy, traditionally given by two masseurs, who work in tandem, synchronizing their strokes and massage according to the circulatory and marma points for sixty minutes. Detoxifying sesame oils are chosen according to one's illness.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment is a medical treatment by which oxygen is administered at greater than normal pressure to a patient in order to treat specific medical indications. Long established as the primary therapy in the treatment of medical disorders such as carbon monoxide poisoning and gas gangrene, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is


The specially designed vacuum pump can quickly improve size and shape or breast, without any aching and health threat, it does not involve silicon injection or pushing and filling bra, it would make you have natural and pretty breast according to physiological period.


OZONE SPA is a high quality and luxurious lifestyle that soothes your body, heart and soul OZONE SPA lets you return to the natural way of relaxation, life preservation and beautication, making your home desired stop in your daily life The origin of SPA: SPA originates from Latin language, Solus Por Aqua where: Solus = Health, Por = With, and Aqua = Water


A combination of science and art, provides a relaxing experience by artistic hand strokes on the body to rejuvenate the mind and body and eliminate stress scientifically.The concept of massage is evident throughout history.


LK Ayurveda Research Training Centre & Pusat Rawatan Naturopati
No 20, Batu 3, Pundut,
Jalan Lumut,
32200 Lumut
Tel : 05-6838162
WhatsApp : 016-246 5474

LK Ayurveda

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