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Nasya is a treatment through nostrils in Ayurveda for nose care and this treatment method belonging to the Panchakarma therapy in Ayurveda. It is the therapeutic administration of herbal oils, decoctions and powder through the nostrils. Nasya cures many serious ailments like loss of consciousness, stupor, insomnia, chronic headaches, hysteria and facial paralysis.

Kativasti is an ayurvedic therapy to cure the ailments of this area, like lower back ache or stiffness or pain felt down the back. The waist area of the body is called Kati. Ayurveda is the ancient medical system of India and is a great philosophy of relief and rejuvenation for body treatments.

Ilakkizhi is a sudation therapy using herbal leaves in the ancient medicinal system in Ayurveda. Ilakkizhi or Pathrasweda belongs to the Purvakarma performed prior to the Panchakarma therapy in Ayurveda.

Takradhara is a sudation therapy with medicated butter milk in Ayurveda. It can be done either as Shirodhara (pouring the decoction over the head) or the dhara over the entire body. In the video, the Takradhara treatment where buttermilk is poured all over the body is seen. This treatment is also effective in insomnia, chronic headaches like migraine, ear nose diseases, neuropathy and spondylitis.

Urovasti is an herbal oil treatment in Ayurveda. Vasti is an important Panchakarma therapy is a treatment involving the introduction of herbal oils and decoctions into the colon through the rectum. Urovasti is recommended to treat pains affecting the sternum in the Uras (chest) area.

Snehapana is one of the Purvakarma therapies in Ayurveda, a system of medicine in India.Sneha means oil. Thiktha Ghrutha or ghee infused with herbs is orally administered to the patient for a specific period.

Shirovasti or therapeutic enema on head is one of the major external oil therapies in Ayurvedic treatment. The prescribed medicated oil is then warmed, poured into the cap and allowed to stand for a specified time. This treatment is prescribed for diseases like facial paralaysis, cataract, deafness, earache and disorders of cranial nerves.

Podikkizhi is an ayurvedic therapy with medicinal powder. It is a therapy in which the body of the patient is fomented with linen bags containing a mixture of horse gram, black gram, gingerly seeds and other vital ingredients in powdered form. Podikkizhi is effective for diseases arising from disrupted vata and pitha doshas.

Netradhara is a simple eye treatment in Ayurveda. In this treatment, extracts of herbs that possess preventive and curative properties are thoroughly inundated to the patient’s eyes.


LK Ayurveda Research Training Centre & Pusat Rawatan Naturopati
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Jalan Lumut,
32200 Lumut
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