

Massage therapy
A combination of science and art, provides a relaxing experience by artistic hand strokes on the body to rejuvenate the mind and body and eliminate stress scientifically.
The concept of massage is evident throughout history.


How Does Massage Therapy Work?
Massage therapy improves circulation by bringing oxygen and other nutrients to body tissues.
It relieves muscle tension and pain, increases flexibility and mobility, and helps clear lactic acid and other waste, which reduces pain and stiffness in muscles and joints.


Why Do People Get Massage Therapy?

People get massage therapy for relaxation or for a variety of health conditions

Back pain
Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and tendinitis
Stress relief and stress-related conditions
Headaches and migraines
Muscle and related conditions such as spasms, strains and sprains
Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
Circulatory and respiratory problems
Post-injury and post surgical rehabilitation
There were 2 types of massage been carried out in Mini Ayurveda Centre.

They are
1. Acupressure massage
2. Ayurvedic massage 


Acupressure massage
Acupressure (a blend of “acupuncture” and “pressure”) is a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) technique derived from acupuncture.
In acupressure, physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points by the hand, elbow, or with various devices.


Ayurvedic massage
Ayurveda is a natural health care system originating in India that incorporates massage, yoga, meditation and herbal remedies.
Ayurvedic massage, also known as Abhyanga is usually performed by one or two therapists using a heated blend of herbal oils based on the ayurvedic system of humors.


LK Ayurveda Research Training Centre & Pusat Rawatan Naturopati
No 20, Batu 3, Pundut,
Jalan Lumut,
32200 Lumut
Tel : 05-6838162
WhatsApp : 016-246 5474

LK Ayurveda

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